How It Works
airhosta takes away the hassle & effort of finding the best people to manage & service your Airbnb or Vacation Rental.
airhosta takes away the hassle & effort of finding the best people to manage & service your Airbnb or Vacation Rental.
You create a list of services you need for your Airbnb / Vacation Rental.
Property managers & service providers send you customized service & products.
You have all the information you need to help you decide who to hire.
Search our curated directory of property managers, services & products.
All property managers and service providers go through an application process to join airhosta and their details are verified.
We check the insurance details of all our property managers and service providers. If they aren’t insured we let you know.
airhosta is a work in progress. We are constantly testing new features to improve this service. Let us know what features you like, which are annoying and what you'd like us to build.